Our Voice Over Generator explained

What is the Voice Over Generator?

The Voice Over Generator is an online tool that records voice overs using artificial intelligence.

Why would I have my script recorded by a computer?

Good question! It is true, a computer cannot equal a human voice. But you will be amazed with the result, especially with English scripts. Although only a human can add authentic feeling to your script, our Voice Over Generator is a very useful tool for different purposes:

  • For videos, it is a quick way to check a voice over script for timing and impact, before you start recording a professional voice over.
  • A computer voice is very suitable for one-liners in your video.
  • Dummy projects
  • Storyboards
  • There is an increase in the use of computer generated voices in social media posts, think of TikTok and Istagram Reels, for example.
  • Voicemail services regularly feature a computer generated voice.

How does the Voice Over Generator work?

Using our Voice Over Generator is very simple. In only a few steps you will have a recording:

1. Copy-paste your voice over script to the text box
2. Choose a language
3. Select a voice
4. Tweak the recording how you want: set the talking speed and pitch, and add pauses and emphasis. Use the play button to listen to your recording. Not happy yet? Choose a different voice or make extra changes in the tempo or pitch. Happy with the result? Download your recording and use it for your project. Easy as that. 😉

Which languages are available in the Voice Over Generator?

You can choose from no less than 16 languages! From more common languages such as English, French, Spanish and German, to more unique languages such as Dutch, Finnish and Japanese.

Depending on the language, we offer various male and female voices. If you choose British English, you have a choice between five voices: three female voices and two male voices. Do you want US English for your voice over recording? Then you have ten different voice options!

What does using the Voice Over Generator cost?

The first use is free, so do not hesitate to give our Voice Over Generator a try. Would you like to use the Voice Over Generator more often? Then subscribe for a premium plan. For only €5,99 a month you will have unlimited access to our Voice Over Generator.